Block cleaning Gatwick
ASF Cleaning Service carries out work for many local property management companies, estate agents, letting agents, residents association’s, committees, Ltd company’s, surveyors, private residents and landlords.
There is plenty of block cleaning to be done in the Gatwick area, so if you want a company who knows how to get it right, choose ASF cleaning Services as your contractor.Gatwick block cleaning customers receive our best possible service all year round and we never fail to impress.
Our operative will turn up in a sign written van, will not park any where they are not supposed to, get out to work in uniformed clothing, put out all the relevant health and safety signage, then get on with the work quickly and efficiently.
ASF block cleaning to the Gatwick and surrounding area consists of the following: vacuuming all the carpeted areas, mopping all the hard floors, plus we can provide a service to strip and polish the hard floors once or twice a year if required, dusting and polishing the balustrades, surfaces, fires, switches, sockets, skirting boards, entrance and inside windows.
We will remove door matts and vacuum underneath, clear away any unwanted junk mail or local newspapers, clean the bin areas with cleaners and disinfectant, clean the inside windows and surrounds, then check all the smoke alarms (replace batteries if necessary) , check the light bulbs and replace broken ones, check the emergency lighting and report any problems to the residents or property management company.
We have a standard procedure for all block cleaning in Gatwick and surrounding areas, but if the customer demands more, we can also accommodate any requirements.
Block cleaning is an art and its an art we have now got off to a tee, our operatives are full time, uniformed and fully trained in the block cleaning customer requirements and ASF cleaning services get very complaints.
We operate in block of flats, housing association’s, manor houses, hotels and offices and we can supply block cleaning references in the Gatwick area.
As well as block cleaning in Gatwick we also cover Surrey, London and the whole south East and we can also offer our other cleaning services to our block cleaning clients, like window cleaning, high reach pure water fed pole or traditional, deep, hot water extraction carpet cleaning, conservatory roof cleaning, car park and grounds litter picking and gutter cleaning.
In this day and age it is good to know that there is a company like ASF Cleaning Service who cares about its customers and if you want to employ us as you block cleaning company in Gatwick you will not be disappointed.
We can provide testimonials and references to back up our claims as how efficient we are and lets be honest, if we don’t do a good job, we will soon loose your contract and this is something that rarely happens within our block cleaning division.
If you would like to know more about this service or just want to find out more about ASF Cleaning Services, look us up on or simply ring us on 01883 330041.
For a FREE no obligation quotation for all your carpet and upholstery cleaning contact us:
Telephone: 01883 330041